Can it reverse the birth rate?! Interesting correlations offered here. I do agree, i know a number of college educated career women who accelerated their plans to have children as both parents were home.

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It doesn't look like it's reversing the birthrate now. However, remote work is disappearing apace. It is true that when you look at differentials in wages between men and women *some* of this difference can be attributed to different choices in flexibility (which is usually "paid for" in your wage) or by working jobs that require fewer hours (which is definitely "paid for" with fewer paychecks). If women are still the primary caregivers on average, then the extra flexibility is an important for them to balance both. The latest Economics Nobel Prize winner, Claudia Goldin, has a long form discussion of this issue for a general audience here: https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/goldin/files/goldin_equalpay-cap.pdf

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Okkkk. This is so interesting! I wonder if there is data on mothers who had young children during the lock-down and if they decided to have more haha! Thankfully I was pregnant during that time with my first, but i couldn’t imagine trying to work, be the childcare, and the parent all at the same time!!

Really liked this essay. Can’t wait to read more

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